
Choking alert: tide pod challenge may be lethal! A new dangerous trend that is circulating on social media is reported by the site Be Smart, Don't Choke


Only in the first two weeks of January 2018, according to the data provided by the American Association of Poison Control Centers, there were 37 cases of capsule intoxication among teenagers in the United States.
The challenge, which has taken hold among US teens (and in other countries), consists in biting the detergent capsule and post the video on social media.
The [post](http://dontchoke.ubc.ca/what-gets-stuck-where/foreign-body/caustic-powders-and-liquids/ "") by Dr. Jeffery Ludemann, a Canadian ORL doctor, reminds us that ingesting the capsules can cause choking as well as cause serious injuries that can be fatal due to the detergent contained in them.
[Link to the article.](http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/social-media-tide-pod-challenge-laundry-detergent-1.4490168 "")