
Choking hazard: Parental knowledge on foreign body aspiration - Faso 2017


The article Peligro de asfixia: conocimiento de los padres sobre la aspiración de cuerpos extraños en niños (Choking hazard: Parental knowledge on foreign body aspiration in children) has been published on the Revista Faso AÑO 24 - Nº 1 2017 .
The abstract has been realized by Dr. Hugo Rodríguez, Dr. Giselle Cuestas, Dr. Cinthia Pérez, Dr. Máximo Rodríguez D´Aquila, Dr. Juan Agustín Rodríguez D´Aquila, Dr. Sandra Carrera, Dr. Giulia Lorenzoni, Dr. Solidea Baldas, Prof. Dr. Desiderio Passali and Prof. Darío Gregori.

Introduction: Foreign body aspiration (FB) is an important and preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood. We describe the experience of 3 centers in Argentina with 295 cases of aspiration of FB, and we emphasize the need for preventive measures and greater dissemination of knowledge in the community and health professionals about this problem.
295 cases. The highest incidence occurred in children under 3 years with 52.2% of cases. 58.6% occurred in males with high presence of adults (80.3%) at the time of aspiration. 79.7% were located in bronchus. 60% of the FB were organic, being seeds and peanuts the most common. Only 35.6% of cases FB were extracted within 24 hours of the event. In 289 patients (p) the removal was performed with a laryngoscope or rigid bronchoscope under general anesthesia within 24 hours of hospitalization. 48 p present complications, the most common: pneumonia. 191 p were hospitalized.
The incidence of aspiration of FB was higher in children under 3 years and males. The high presence of adults in the time of aspiration of the FB, shows that primary prevention has a key role to prevent these injuries. Further information on the type and characteristics of the FB is crucial to identify risk food and items, and to develop methods of prevention.