
The 4th European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Amsterdam 2017


On the 14 May the team of the Department of Cardiological, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences of the University of Padua, has submitted to the European Conference the abstract Trends of Foreign Body injuries: comparison between Italian and U.S. official data .
The study has been written in the occasion of the European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion by Dr. Giulia Lorenzoni, Dr. Danila Azzolina, Mrs. Solidea Baldas, Prof. Dario Gregori.
The aim of the study was to examine long term trends (2001-2013) in U.S. and Italy of incidence rates of FB injuries (ingestion and aspiration) in children aged 0-14 years.
The abstract will be presented on the occasion of the conference organized by EuroSafe in collaboration with VeiligheidNL (Consumer Safety Institute) on September 21 and 22, 2017 in Amsterdam.

[Link to the European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion 2017](https://www.veiligheid.nl/eurosafe-conference "")