
Guidelines for the prevention of food suffocation, approved by the Higher Health Council


"The Guidelines for Preventing Food Suffocation in Pediatric Age" contains national recommendations, with specific concrete and actually achievable interventions, and a set of core rules for a "safe meal". They have been edited on June 2017.
The document was drawn up by a Multidisciplinary and Multi-Stake-holder Working Group, established at the General Directorate for Food Hygiene and Food Safety and Nutrition (DGISAN). The project has been developed with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Susy Safe, Professional Associations and experts on the subject, starting from food preparation (domestic and catering) and coming to consider the behavioral aspects of the children during meals.
The Guidelines aim to identify an effective intervention mode for families and operators in the catering sector to make the "safe" meal preparation, preventing specifically food choking in children in schools and preschools.
These Guidelines are the first in Europe and they have been drafted on the basis of international background documents.