Our heartfelt thanks to all Susy Safe’s friends who helped with the site contents translation!
Translators4Children, The first website in the world where volunteer translators and healthcare professionals are putting their expertise at the disposal of the world’s children.
- Dr. Ahmed Ragab from Menoufiya University Hospital, Egypt
- Ms. Simonetta Ballali, Italy
- Ms. Solidea Baldas, Italy
- Mr. Patrick Lages, France
- Mr. Gennaro De Crescenzo, Italy
- Dr. Hugo Rodriguez and Dr. Giselle Cuestas from Garrahan Hospital, Argentina
- Dr. Claudia Gafare Department of Nutrition, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Dr. Achal Gulati from Maulana Azad Medical College, India
- Dr. Saad Akkad, Croatia
- Mr. Rok Ziherl, Slovenia